Sunday, August 9, 2009

Some Confessions

So, I guess I really am a lazy Hmong woman--so lazy I've only made 2 entries since I started this site. So, a couple of updates:

1) We had a really good run of Sia(b) this past June, and I will put this wish out itno the world: I'd love to tour the show nationally, so if you know anyone who'd like to bring the show to your city, hit me up.

2) I've been working on a one-woman show. It was at first going to be called "The Sex Lady" but now it may be changed to "Ten Reasons Why I'd Be a Bad Porn Star." It's fun and humorous and explores porn, romance novel fantasies, teaching sex, talking about sex in Hmong among other things. I'f I'm in the mood, I might post the story I'd originally written called "Ten Reasons Why I'd Be a Bad Porn Star." Stay tuned...I'd love to see this show mounted in a year.

3) Lastly, I've been attempting to work on a memoir that has been in the works for a very long time. Being a little stuck, I started experimenting with some magic realism fiction this past Friday and found--to my surprise--that it was quite fun to shift gears. What's this magic realism piece of fiction I speak of? I'm still trying to figure things out, but I think it's about a family of women who are cursed. One woman makes a deal with a monkey in Laos and when she goes to the MN Zoo, she is faced with a promise she must keep. One woman has escaped drowing in the Mekong only to drown in Mississippi River. Another woman talks to ghosts. (Yeah, I've come to realize now I've got a thing for ghosts.) Anyway, I'm not sure where this piece is headed or if it has a future, but that's the point of writing, right? To explore.

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